Pretty as a Postcard: Boating in Puerto Rico

Puerto Rico |

Oh, Puerto Rico. You are ridiculously pretty. For all of my readers who are thoroughly tired of snow and ice and would like nothing better than to sit on a beach with an icy drink in your hand, this post goes out to you.

After lounging around the hotel and visiting the Bacardi factory, my family and I decided that we needed a day in the sun to more fully experience the tropical island aspect of Puerto Rico. 

While I'm the ultimate history and book lover, even I can't resist a boat ride on turquoise water. You'd have to be crazy to stay inside museums or the hotel the entire time you're in PR! 

Thanks to the helpful concierge at the Caribe Hilton, we booked a cruise around the waters just off San Juan during our third day on the island. The cost of the cruise included unlimited rum punch, so, even though it was 10 in the morning and our parents were hanging out with us, my sister and I proceeded to sample the wares. 

We were on vacation, so the usual rules didn't apply. 

Puerto Rico |

For the next three and a half hours, we puttered around the blue waters of western Puerto Rico. We didn't go much other than drink rum punch, bob our heads to the onboard music (as none of us are big dancers), swim in the water at each of our stops, and bask in the sunshine.

No one was worried about the time or work or when we needed to be back at the hotel. It was as if, for a few hours, the world just slowed down and we were able to relish in the most basic of things.

Puerto Rico |

Clearly, we weren't the only ones with the same idea, as there were boats all over the place. The vast majority of the boats weren't filled with visitors, though--they were locals just enjoying their insanely gorgeous home.

Puerto Rico |

At one of the islands, we all got out and swim/waded to the shore to frolic on the beach. We wandered along, finding shells and enjoying the sunshine. I found this tiny friend who was more than happy to part ways.

Puerto Rico |

After bidding adios to my crabby little friend, we headed back to the boat for the next stop. The boat couldn't pull all the way up onto the sand because doing so would kill the motor, so we had to wade about 40 feet in waist deep water and then swim another 20 or so feet in 8 foot water.

About the time that the water got too high for us to wade in, my sister and I started swimming, and I saw something moving every so slightly in the water directly in front of us. I started treading water to get a better look at it, and I started panicking a little when I realized what it was.


I quickly told my sister to stop swimming in order to give this (nearly translucent) snake a wide berth. Amber, who hates snakes as much as I do, heard the word "snake" and tried to climb on top of my shoulders.

Now, I ask you, what good would I be to anyone drowned!? And how is trying to drown me going to save her from the sea snake!?

We all made it back onto the boat without any additional mishaps, near drownings, or sea snake encounters, and went on to enjoy the rest of our day (sans snakes or any other creepy wildlife).

Overall, our boating excursion was so relaxing that I think we all went back and took naps. Vacation will do that to you.

Have you ever been out on a local boat tour like this? What's your favorite tropical destination?

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