10 Best Books about Paris to Read before Your Trip

10 Best Books about Paris to Read before Your Trip | CosmosMariners.com

Inside the Abbey Bookshop in the Latin Quarter of Paris

These 10 best books about Paris will have you embracing the joie de vivre of the City of Lights before you land at Charles de Gaulle!

Whenever I am visiting a new country or large city, I really love to read at least one book, fiction or non-fiction, to acclimate myself to the history that has taken place over the centuries.

I believe it adds an extra layer of knowledge above and beyond what the tour books, travel blog posts, and brochures can detail.

Besides being a bibliophile, I am an unabashed Francophile.

No matter how many times I visit Paris or France, I still like to read a book ahead of my trip to get me into the right frame of mind.

Over the years, I’ve read a LOT about this city, and I’m narrowing down those to the 10 best books about Paris.


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Updated 7/2022 | Written 5/2017


1) Best Book about Paris for the History Buff

Best Books about Paris History

My absolute favorite book about the history of Paris is Alistair Horne’s Seven Ages of Paris.

The book covers a lot of ground, carrying the reader from the 12th century through post-World War II.

He is so incredibly descriptive in detailing the sights, sounds, and smells of the City of Lights over time.

Paris transforms in front of your eyes and you will be eager to experience how all this incredible history has shaped Paris today.


2) Best Book for the Power Walker

Colorful map of Paris

Author David Downie, along with his wife, is a walker who has been exploring Paris with his own two feet for decades.

His collection of essays in Paris, Paris: Journey into the City of Light is the perfect vehicle to explore the city.

You can recreate many of his routes on your own taking you to places off the beaten track.

Just think, doing all that cardio is the perfect excuse for a second pastry!


>> Start planning meals for your trip to France with this ultimate Paris food guide! <<


3) Best Book For the Murder Mystery Lover

Best Books about Paris mystery

I personally LOVE to read mystery novels and what better than ones set in Paris!

The Aimée Leduc series will not only entertain you but give you great insight into the city.

The author Cara Black has a great website with interactive arrondissement maps and a Paris travel guide.

There are 17 novels with more in the works, so hurry and start reading!


4-5) Best Books For the Fans of Fashion

Best Books about Coco Chanel

Coco Chanel was an extraordinary woman and I have read several books about her.

I really enjoyed Coco Before Chanel, which is based on the movie Coco Avant Chanel with Audrey Tatou.

I always loved getting hot chocolate at Angelina’s, but after reading this book I had to sit at Coco’s usual table, number 20!

A good read from when you return from Paris is The Gospel According to Coco Chanel: Life Lessons from the World's Most Elegant Woman which is my second favorite Coco book.

It is full of history but also has lots of anecdotes for living a “French” life.

After seeing all those beautiful Parisian women, you’ll want to know all their secrets!


6-9) Best Books about Paris for the Little Ones

Best Kids Books about paris | boy reading

If it’s a family trip to Paris, I highly recommend getting them excited with a few books of their own.

You cannot go wrong with the classic, Madeline.

This illustrated series of books is delightful featuring Madeline, a Parisian schoolgirl, and her adventures.

You can also add in one of the Tovi the penguin books to prepare them for their trip.

If your children love this series, they’ll get a kick out of Tovi the Penguin goes on a treasure hunt in Paris ahead of their own trip. Maybe you can plan your own treasure hunt?

I also highly recommend the Coco Chanel edition of the Little People, Big Dreams series from Isabel Sanchez Vegara.

After reading this biography, your daughter will also have an appreciation for that hot chocolate while she sits at Table 20 in Angelina’s!

Lily B. on the Brink of Paris from Elizabeth Cody Kimmel is a lot of fun for slightly older girls.

It chronicles Lily’s adventures on a school trip to Paris.


10) Best Book for a Modern Point of View

Eiffel Tower with apartment buildings

While Paris is steeped in centuries of history, it is also a city that is constantly evolving.

New restaurants, styles of cooking, approaches to cuisine, plus markets and boutiques are revealed in The New Paris: The People, Places & Ideas Fueling a Movement.

Here, you can take a peek behind the curtain with long-time American expat Lindsey Tramuta.

If you’ve been to Paris before it will be a real treat to find new places to visit.

If you are going for the first time, it’s an excellent way to mix the classics with the new.


Need more literary travel inspiration? Check out my literary Deep South road tour!


How many of the 10 best books on Paris have you read?



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